
Greater Shepparton City Council asking for more state government investment

On tour: City of Greater Shepparton Mayor Shane Sali and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews at the Shepparton Incident Control Centre last week. Photo: Megan Fisher. Photo by Megan Fisher

Greater Shepparton City Council is continuing to advocate for several crucial infrastructure projects for the region ahead of the Victorian election next month.

This includes the proposed Shepparton Sports and Events Centre, the Shepparton Bypass and a technical school.

Council believes it should have more support, and argues the Victorian Government should invest in more projects, as there is significant growth expected in the region.

Mayor Shane Sali is advocating for these projects as priorities to ensure Greater Shepparton has the high level of facilities and services it needs.

“The region has demonstrated that we have the capacity to deliver complex projects, and each dollar spent here by the Victorian Government generates many more in economic activity,” Cr Sali said.

With local soccer young gun Garang Kuol having been called up for the national squad, council believes his success is a further reason to invest in the Shepparton Sports and Events Centre.

“John McEwen Reserve is my stomping ground. The main pitch there is probably the best in Victoria,” Mr Kuol said.

Hospital call: Greater Shepparton City Council is asking for a redevelopment for Shepparton’s Hospital due to increase demand. Photo by Megan Fisher

Cr Sali said without investment in infrastructure and services to support communities outside metropolitan Melbourne, achievements such as these were often unattainable for youth in regional areas.

“With the challenges of the last two years it is more important than ever that key priority projects within our region are funded,” Cr Sali said.

“This will assist in the economic recovery of our region and others across the country.”

Council believes there should be renovation of the Shepparton hospital due to half of the site still needing to be redeveloped to meet the needs of the growing population.

Council argues the current physical layout of the buildings does not support best-practice provision of health services now, and will present problems in the future.

The requests in the report cover several policy areas, including poverty and welfare disadvantage, water security, climate adaptation and resilience, renewable energy zones and electricity grid updates, the carbon market, and growing regional opportunities for work.

To read the Ask of Government document, visit this link: