
Greater Shepparton’s number of criminal offences is fifth highest in state

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Crime statistics: Greater Shepparton saw 9099 criminal offences from April 2022 to the end of March 2023. Photo by McPherson Media Group

Greater Shepparton is ranked fifth among all Victorian local government areas for the number of recorded criminal offences in the past year.

According to Crime Statistics Agency statistics released on Thursday, June 15, Greater Shepparton recorded 13,099.6 offences per 100,000 estimated resident population in the 12 months to March 31.

This is an increase of 3.2 per cent on the same time the previous year.

It places Greater Shepparton fifth in the state, behind Melbourne, Latrobe, Yarra and Mildura local government areas.

Overall, the total number of criminal offences recorded in the area was 9099 for the year.

The number of criminal incidents recorded in Greater Shepparton in the 12 months to the end of March, however, was down on the previous year.

Some 5645 criminal incidents were recorded in Greater Shepparton — down two per cent on the previous 12 months where there were 5763 incidents recorded.

It is also the lowest number of criminal incidents since 2015.

The most prevalent offence in Greater Shepparton in the past year, according to the data, was breach family violence order, with 647 incidents recorded.

This is up on the figure for the previous year.

Shepparton police Acting Inspector Dean Williams said police had a strong focus on trying to stamp out family violence.

“Hopefully this (these numbers) is a reflection on victims being comfortable with agencies available and are not keeping it (family violence) a secret,” Insp Williams said.

“They are more inclined to feel confident to report it to police. I’d be more worried if we didn’t have these figures.”

There were 543 breaches of bail conditions in Greater Shepparton for the year — also an increase on the previous 12 months.

Criminal damage was third, with 437 incidents recorded; however, this was a significant decrease on the previous year.

Stealing from a vehicle (405 incidents) and other theft (333 incidents) rounded out the top five principal offences in Greater Shepparton, with decreases in both areas.

Statistics showed there were six homicide or related incidents in Greater Shepparton in the 12 months.

This is an increase on two from the previous 12 months.

The number of assault incidents remained pretty steady, with a drop of 12 to a total of 714.

There were 129 sexual offences, and 129 instances of stalking, harassment and threatening behaviour.

There were also 110 incidents of dangerous and negligent acts endangering people.

Twenty-four incidents of arson were recorded in the past year, down by nine on the previous year.

There was a significant decrease in the amount of property damage in Greater Shepparton, with 467 instances in the past 12 months, compared to 657 the previous year.

Insp Williams said police were “encouraged” by the significant reduction in property damage numbers “but it is something we want to try and stamp out”.

The number of burglaries increased by 100 to 565 this year.

Insp Williams said part of the increase in burglary numbers in the past 12 months compared to the previous year could be as a result of people spending more time at home because of COVID-19 in 2021-22.

Thefts, however, were down 135 to a total of 1131.

The number of drug trafficking offences dropped in the past year to a total of 2407 incidents — down from 2623 in the previous 12 months.

Cultivating or manufacturing drugs, however, increased to 64, up from 46.

There were also 155 weapons and explosives offences this year, while 155 disorderly and offensive conduct offences were recorded.

Insp Williams said local police were actively working to try to reduce crime.

He also thanked members of the community who had reported crimes to police or anonymously to Crime Stoppers.

“We would encourage that to continue,” he said.