
Growing the green sector: Funding fuels youth participation in Victorian environmental projects

Inspiring: Victorian Government grants have been distributed to five environmental volunteer projects across the north-east.

Five north-east Victorian environmental groups will share in funding to inspire young people to participate in volunteering.

The grants deliver on the Victorian Government’s Volunteering for Nature – Environmental Volunteering Plan, which aims to support and grow the environmental volunteering sector.

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action regional co-ordinator environmental volunteering Jill Croome said Victoria had a strong and proud history of environmental volunteering.

“Volunteers contribute enormously to improving our environment, our local communities and our economy,” Ms Croome said.

“Many Victorians give their time freely to a wide variety of environmental causes and community organisations. Younger volunteers bring energy and enthusiasm, as well as a high level of concern about the environment.

“Having more young people in volunteering ensures groups have long-term futures and allows for knowledge exchange from older volunteers.

“Victoria’s 173,600 environmental volunteers contribute more than 1.5 million hours of unpaid work each year to protect and enhance nature. The economic contribution is projected to be $63 million annually.”

One of the locally funded projects is a six-week Nature Stewards program in Strathbogie Shire, introducing participants to conservation skills and local volunteering opportunities.

Across Victoria, 23 new projects supporting young volunteers have been funded to help protect Victoria’s biodiversity and environment.

The projects cover a wide range of areas, including community tree-planting events, citizen science activities to record wildlife observations, climate change action and environmental leadership.

To find out more about environmental volunteering, visit