
‘Grumpies’ showing youngsters how it’s done at Primal Health Club

Healthy: Primal Health Club's 'Grumpies' workout class is showing youngsters how it's done. Pictured are Franz Wieherink, John Hanrahan, Ron Foulger, Garry Harper and Geoff Dalton. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Every Wednesday, the average age of fitness fanatics at Primal Health Club jumps by several decades.

A club spokesperson said each and every week, a group of ‘seasoned’ gentlemen come together for a specially crafted workout session.

“These classes are more than just a workout. They’re a hub for socialising and boosting overall wellbeing,” the spokesperson said.

“With a professional trainer at the helm, each class is customised for everyone’s fitness level.

“Classes feature exercises that everyone can do, which can be adjusted if needed.

“The aim is to keep a smooth, comfortable rhythm so all participants can join in.”

On any given Wednesday, the ‘Grumpies’ as they’re known, will be working on cardio and strength building.

“The mix is perfect for enhancing mobility and promoting overall health,” the spokesperson said.

“Lifting weights is particularly beneficial for older adults, enhancing muscle strength and endurance.

“This improvement is key to making daily activities, such as carrying groceries, climbing stairs and staying balanced, both easier and safer.

“The icing on the cake for this group is that after the workout, the guys unwind over a complimentary coffee and a chat.

“They chat away, and it’s a perfect mix of exercise and socialising.”

Primal Health Club offers this program for a number of reasons.

“As our population ages, it’s crucial to empower our senior citizens to stay independent,” the spokesperson said.

“Our goal is to help them keep doing what they love, whether that be walks, golf, gardening, cycling or spending time with their families, for as long as they can.”

Find out more about Primal Health Club and the programs it offers by calling 5762 3454, or visiting