
GV Health redevelopment tracking well despite COVID-19 setbacks

Works on stage one of Goulburn Valley Health’s $229 million redevelopment are progressing, with the new paediatric ward expected to be finished in the coming months.

GV Health chief executive Matt Sharp said works were progressing well despite delays due to COVID-19 lockdowns.

“We’re well and truly on track. The bulk of the work for stage one will be completed around Christmas or new year, depending on how things progress in the coming months — which is dependent on COVID-19,” he said.

“Toward the early part of next year it’ll be completing the refurbishment upgrade in the emergency department.

“That is really significant for GV Health and for our region because that will allow us to open up about double the capacity that we had previously in our emergency department in total, so we should be in vicinity of 38 to 40 treatment spaces where previously we have been somewhere in the order of about 20.”

Mr Sharp said the final piece of the puzzle would be the major refurbishment and upgrade to the maternity ward and birth suite.

“They will be completely transformed and ultimately what we’re really aiming for here is to have a much better environment and experience for patients, families and visitors, but also for our staff as well,” he said.

The redevelopment will see the eventual expansion of some services as the clinical services plan is completed and the master plan under way.

“The clinical services plan is an important document because it tells us what services are going to be required in what timeframe,” Mr Sharp said.

“A big part of what we’re focusing on from a planning and development point of view is our mental health facilities.

“We are really hopeful there will be some further development in relation to mental health services that aligns with recommendations from the mental health royal commission.

“We’re positioning ourselves to be well-placed in regards to opportunities on that front.”

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