
Gwyn’s a bit of a trickster

Gwyn doing tricks with owner Steve Weidenbach. Photo by Kelly Carmody
Life on the Avonlea Flower Farm with Gwyn and his owner Steve Weidenbach. Photo by Kelly Carmody
Gwyn delivering flowers. Photo by Kelly Carmody
Gwyn the border collie loves a bit of adventure. Photo by Kelly Carmody
Steve Weidenbach with his furry friend Gwyn. Photo by Kelly Carmody

Gwyn is a four-year-old border collie that loves adventure and helps to run the Avonlea Flower Farm in Murchison by the side of his owner and farm manager Steve Weidenbach.

This adventurous dog has a tale or two and when I say tale, I mean he has some rippers.

If you’re familiar with the location of Avonlea Flower Farm then you would know that it backs onto the Goulburn River, a place that quite often attracts many campers, especially for Australia Day.

So, when I asked Steve if Gwyn had any funny stories, with a chuckle he replied “yes, Australia Day this year he got bored at the farm and decided to swim across the river to go and hang out with the campers, probably stole a sausage”.

“It doesn’t end there.

“Once we got him back, he went off again, but this time he swam back across the river and made his way to the Railway Hotel in Murchison East.

“He was literally just hanging out with a stranger fetching a stick and living his best Aussie life when we found him.

“He loves people and has a kind nature, so it doesn’t surprise me that he was found making a mate, especially on Australia Day.

“And headed for the river for a swim.”

Gwyn’s farm role includes racing the motorbike, chasing sticks, riding on the conveyor belt with the flowers to hopefully find more sticks, and hanging out with anyone he feels is doing the most interesting thing at the time.

This four-legged four-year-old will even bring you flowers and can do some pretty impressive tricks.

Steve said he was an active farm dog that couldn’t stay still, and as much as he at times could really get in the way, everyone who met him adored him, until they got sick of throwing him sticks.

“Work just wouldn’t be the same without him, he makes farming life fun.”

Words and pictures: Kelly Carmody