
Haines visits Benalla Market to back Voice to Parliament yes vote

Federal Member for Indi Helen Haines was at Benalla market on Saturday morning talking to the public about the upcoming Voice to Parliament referendum. Photo by Simon Ruppert

The ‘Benalla for Yes’ group, which has been campaigning for the ‘yes’ vote in the upcoming Voice to Parliament referendum, was joined by Federal Member for Indi Helen Haines on Saturday.

The group had its monthly stall up at one of this year’s larger Benalla Market days on July 22, and Dr Haines took the opportunity to discuss the voice with local people.

As with seemingly all issues in modern times there has been a lot of misinformation propagated by social media algorithms and Dr Haines was keen to discuss any concerns local people may have.

“The most important thing people can do is to think carefully about the question that’s put before them to change the constitution,” she said.

“Have conversations, ask questions and be curious.

“This is something that can’t change the law, that can’t spend money, that is very much an advice to parliament and to the government of the day, whoever they might be.”

Dr Haines said that things like veto powers are absolutely not on the table.

“It is very clear in how the question has been put,” she said.

“The advice from the Solicitor General is very clear that this will improve the workings of parliament and there is no veto power. Absolutely not.

“So I’m really pleased to come here today to the Benalla Market to have a chat with community members who are campaigning for a yes vote.

“And I’m talking to a lot of people here who’ve got questions to ask about the constitutional change and about the Voice.”

Dr Haines said she believe that this change to the constitution is a good one and a timely one.

“I think the time is now,” she said.

“The Uluru statement from the heart was an invitation to all of Australia to work with First Nations people and respond with a Voice to Parliament.

“It will be an advisory voice, so that we can see improvements to Aboriginal people’s wellbeing.”

Dr Haines said the timing of the referendum was important.

“I don’t think we should kick the can down the road any longer,” she said.

“I think this really is a modest change, but an important change.

“Most importantly I think all Australians can unite around a desire to see the wellbeing of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people improved.

“And those gaps in health, life expectancy, education and employment have been so hard to bridge.

“Having a constitutionally enshrined voice in parliament can really help governments, whoever they might be, to make better decisions.”

Find out more about the Benalla for Yes group via