
Hare-Heygarth Sts intersection upgrade

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The intersection of Hare and Heygarth Sts will receive a $435,000 upgrade to prevent further crashes in the area. Photo: Aidan Briggs Photo by Aidan Briggs

Echuca-Moama residents can breathe a sigh of relief today with confirmation a central Echuca intersection will be upgraded.

Hare St, at the intersection with Heygarth St — a known crash site — will be overhauled after the Federal Government announced significant black spot funding.

The financial support comes from the 2024-25 Black Spot Program, which funds a range of safety measures at locations where serious crashes have occurred or are at risk of occurring.

The Federal Government has allocated $435,000 to install wombat crossings on both legs of Hare St at the intersection with Heygarth St.

They will also convert the southern Hare St leg to be left out only to prevent further crashes.

This funding comes from a $33 million investment to improve 56 known crash sites and roads across Victoria.

Anyone can nominate a black spot for funding consideration using the official nomination form.

Candidate projects are first assessed by the relevant state road authority, which has details of the site’s crash history and the expertise to determine the appropriate treatment.

Funding is mainly available for treating black spot sites or road lengths with a proven history of crashes.

Project proposals should demonstrate a benefit-to-cost ratio of at least 2 to 1.

For individual sites such as intersections, mid-block or short road sections, there should be a history of at least three casualty crashes over five years.

The requirement of a history of crashes ensures that sites with recurrent problems are targeted first for treatment.

Federal Member for Bendigo and Chair of the Victorian Black Spot Consulting Panel Lisa Chesters highlighted why the Hare and Heygarth Sts intersection was chosen for the program and the importance of upgrading regional black spots.

“The intersection was identified by the department to be dangerous as vehicles were having difficulty selecting a safe gap to cross or turn,” she said.

“Being the Member of a regional electorate like Bendigo, I understand how important road safety is for our rural and regional communities, and Echuca is no different in that regard.”

Ms Chesters also pointed out that the funding will give the Echuca community faith that the Federal Government is listening to their pleas and identifying issues in the community.

“A lot of work is put in by relevant agencies to put forward and select the most appropriate and effective locations for black spots funding.

“This contribution from the Federal Government will give road users in Echuca the peace of mind that dangerous intersections such as this one are being identified and funded appropriately.”