
Have your say: Disability Inclusion Action Plan

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Fostering a more accessible and inclusive community: Murray River Council is updating its Disability Inclusion Action Plan and wants to hear from you. Photo by Cath Grey

Murray River Council is updating its Disability Inclusion Action Plan and has invited the public to provide feedback about how to make the community more accessible and inclusive of people with disabilities, their carers and families.

MRC’s previous plan was developed in 2017 and is required to be updated and refreshed every few years.

A spokesperson for MRC said disability inclusion action planning was a way that local governments could work towards reducing and removing barriers for people with disability by fostering a more accessible and inclusive community.

“Our Disability Inclusion Action Plan explains the steps that council, in conjunction with our broader community, will take to ensure everyone has access to services, facilities, events and information,” the spokesperson said.

“Council is engaging with the community now to develop a new DIAP to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of everyone in our community; so it would be great for as many people as possible to have their say.”

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and will be available until May 31.

If you have any questions about the survey or council’s DIAP and how it will be developed, contact Beck Hayward at or on 0427 560 934.

To complete the survey, go to