
Have your say on community sporting facilities

Council is asking for community input to help shape a new community sports infrastructure strategy.

Calling all sports lovers—Strathbogie Shire Council needs your help.

Council is creating a new sports strategy which will guide the future maintenance, renewal and development of infrastructure for organised community sport.

To help shape the strategy in the most effective way, Council wants to know what sports and activities community members participate in, what motivates people to get involved and what makes it easy or difficult to engage in these activities.

This can include things such as distance to travel and facility qualities.

Strathbogie Shire council administrator Peter Stephenson emphasised the importance of this strategy for the community.

“Council recognises the crucial role that sport, recreation and physical activity have in building vibrant, liveable communities and promoting health and wellbeing,” Mr Stephenson said.

“Council is seeking critical insights into how we can improve our existing infrastructure and develop new facilities that meet the needs of our diverse community, and their structured sporting activities.

“I encourage residents to share their knowledge and have their say on our Share Strathbogie site.”

For more information, visit or call council on 1800 065 993.

The survey will close at 5pm on Friday, August 9.

Alice O’Brien is a Media Communication and Design student at Monash University, and is currently completing an internship with The News.