
Have your say on Victoria’s future

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Speak up: The state government has asked residents to have their say about the kind of Victoria they want to build for future generations.

The state government has asked residents to have their say about the kind of Victoria they want to build for future generations.

As part of its Housing Statement, the government has kicked off community engagement across the state to develop a long-term vision for Victoria for the next 30 years.

Community events are being held where local residents are invited to share their future vision for Victoria, including at Market Place, Shepparton on Tuesday, April 16.

All input will inform the blueprint to guide how Victoria grows and develops as a state.

It follows consultation with more than 200 industry and council participants starting in November 2023.

By 2050, Victoria’s population is expected to exceed 10 million, with more than eight million people calling Melbourne home.

The Housing Statement provides the steps to build 800,000 homes in the next decade, with the development of a new plan for Victoria.

“Building on our landmark Housing Statement — a new plan for Victoria will set out what our towns, suburbs, cities and regions look like as we get on with building 800,000 new homes over the next decade and millions more into the 2050s,” Planning and Suburbs Minister Sonya Kilkenny said.

“We’re travelling to all corners of the state to hear from Victorians how we can address important issues like housing, affordability, jobs, infrastructure and sustainability, and develop a new vision for the state.”

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