
Hearn calls out spin on roads

Liberal candidate for the seat of Euroa Brad Hearn gives his opinion on road maintenance funding in the lead-up to the November 2022 state election.

Liberal candidate for Euroa Brad Hearn wants to cut through political spin on road safety.

“The illogical current behaviour is shameless and heartless. It doesn’t put our seat first,” he said.

“I want positive change for our community, and that is what I’m fighting for.”

He disagrees with Nationals candidate Annabelle Cleeland’s labelling of the Euroa electorate’s roads as some of the worst in the state months before an election.

“I must say the spin between the Labor and National parties is currently disingenuous and disappointing,” he said.

“It is people’s lives that we are talking about. Bad roads in the country mean road fatalities for our community. Not something to win political capital for.”

Instead, Brad is calling for advocacy from sitting members. If elected, he proposes collaboration with VicRoads and local municipalities to fund the roads identified through the Liberal Party’s 25 per cent infrastructure guarantee for regional Victoria.

“Our roads need funding. Fund them,” he said.

“We have been ignored in this safe seat for too long. We need to maintain our rural assets across regional Victoria, and that starts with home.

“I’m not playing a game of popularity politics on roads. People want to know what a candidate’s actions are to make life better for country Victoria.”