
Hearn to contest Euroa seat for the Libs

Brad Hearn has been announced as the Liberal candidate for the seat of Euroa at the upcoming state election.
Hat in the ring: Brad Hearn has been announced as the Liberal candidate for the seat of Euroa at the upcoming state election. Photo by Contributed

The Liberal Party of Victoria has officially announced its candidate for the seat of Euroa, Benalla’s Brad Hearn.

With incumbent coalition member Steph Ryan stepping aside at the election, Mr Hearn will battle it out with the new Nationals candidate, who is yet to be announced.

“I have the privilege and honour to be endorsed as the Liberal candidate for the district of Euroa,” Mr Hearn said.

“I am humbled by the positive support shown by the members and friends across this electorate.

“I am a local voice for these amazing country communities.

“The Liberal Party is a party centred on freedom and choice. I will always exercise these rights and fight for what is in the best interests for all of the people of the district of Euroa.

“I am a rural Victorian. I’m proud of my country roots and my home town communities. They deserve respect.”

Mr Hearn is well known around the Rose City, and is currently Benalla’s Flexible Learning Centre principal.

“I am passionate about our townships and farmland and why it is vital to invest in our future,” Mr Hearn said.

“As a high school principal I am committed to seeing public education reform through Liberal values and improving education for all Victorian children and adolescents.

“As a trained and registered counsellor I know the difficulties faced by our public and community health organisations as they attempt to deal with the post pandemic mental health crisis faced by our state.

“I am fighting to improve our mental health system and fix the mental health crisis.

“This includes fighting for a mental health practitioner in every primary and secondary school.

“In the heart of Victoria the Euroa District covers the best rural communities our state has to offer.

“I am passionate about improving our communities for future generations.

“That is why I have stood for the district of Euroa. Born and raised here I am privileged to have worked in many communities across the District of Euroa both as a counsellor and as a teacher,” he said

Mr Hearn said, if elected, he would be advocating for:

  • Agricultural communities;
  • Biosecurity support for regional properties;
  • Improved mental health support for youth;
  • Ensuring that a mental health practitioner is in every primary and secondary school across the state;
  • Investing in the public education system;
  • Improved health services in rural towns;
  • Delivering a 25 per cent minimum for new state infrastructure expenditure spent in regional areas, not just in Melbourne’s CBD; and
  • Practical and real solutions that are going to benefit all Victorians.

“With more local funding announcements to come as we head to the election I look forward to a positive campaign ahead outlining the incredible actions needed for this state and for the people of Euroa,” Mr Hearn said.