
Heathcote RSL puts forward expansion plans

Seeking support: Nationals candidate for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland, Shadow Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Tim Bull, Heathcote RSL secretary Miles Humphrey and State Member for Euroa Steph Ryan with Heathcote RSL sub-branch committee members.

The Heathcote RSL Sub-branch Committee has outlined its plans for the RSL’s expansion.

Victorian Veterans’ Affairs Shadow Minister Tim Bull joined State Member for Euroa Steph Ryan and Nationals candidate for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland, who have advocated for the works, to listen to the plans.

Through its own investment, the RSL has already made significant improvements to the space, however it is seeking funding for more substantial works to be undertaken.

Beyond the essential veteran support services the Heathcote RSL provides, the space also serves as a community hub and town hall.

It is used for music and school events, presentations, weddings and funerals.

It is also a meeting point for emergency services during fires and floods.

Ms Cleeland said the upgrades were important for the long-term operation of the branch.

“They have been proactive in forming this central community space for all different uses,” Ms Cleeland said.

“Heathcote RSL members have contributed so much to our community, the least we can do is support them with adequate facilities.

“This development plan includes a quiet room for VETS support, which we know will support the wellbeing of our community.”

Mr Bull said the branch had put forward a strong case as to why it should be supported.

“They are a great little sub-branch with a terrifically strong membership in relationship to the ratio of people that live in that town,” Mr Bull said.

“They’ve got over 100 members, which is quite incredible, and we would be hopeful that we can assist them in their efforts to fulfil their expansion plans.

“There is nothing to announce today, but hopefully Annabelle can come out in a few weeks and have some good news for them.”