
Heritage funding sought

Murrumbidgee Council is looking at funding to help identify, conserve and promote heritage.

Murrumbidgee Council is looking to introduce a Local Heritage Fund to support projects that help identify, conserve and promote heritage.

It will lodge a NSW Government Department of Planning and Environment Local Government Heritage Grant 2022 application for $25,000 to provide the service.

In a report to the November council meeting, economic and tourism development manager Kellie Dissegna stated Jerilderie Shire Council, in conjunction with the NSW Heritage Office, ran a Local Heritage Fund until 2012.

“The main aim of the fund was to encourage the conservation of heritage items, and promote a positive community attitude to heritage conservation,” she said.

“Jerilderie Shire Council also operated a free heritage advisory service, which was supported through the New South Wales Heritage Office during this time.

“Jerilderie Shire Council’s Local Heritage Fund financially co-contributed towards local projects, to which ratepayers and businesses could apply for funding.“

Works grants could be obtained for external painting of private and publicly owned buildings; internal painting of publicly owned buildings; repairs to roofing, foundations, verandahs, floor boards and other structural damage i.e. installation of damp proof coursing; and repairs and replacement of period style fencing through the Local Government Heritage Grants.

The NSW Government is looking for innovative ideas to boost public access to the state’s most significant heritage places and stimulate local economies across NSW.

Each local council in NSW can apply for a $25,000 grant to support these projects that help identify, conserve and promote heritage in their area.

Successful projects must be delivered between July 2023 and May 2025.

Murrumbidgee Council proposes its Local Heritage Fund would comprise of two components, a Heritage Advisory Service and a Local Heritage Works Assistance Fund.

According to Ms Dissegna the main aim of the Heritage Advisory Service would be to assist Council and local communities to have appropriate measures and management in place so as to best conserve and present our heritage.

“The Heritage Advisory Service would provide to ratepayers and business owners in the Murrumbidgee Council area, advice to help in the maintenance and improvement of the Council area’s heritage,” she said.

“The Heritage Advisory Service would be jointly funded by the New South Wales Government and Council.

“The Local Heritage Works Assistance Fund aims to provide ratepayers and businesses with financial support for minor works that will assist in protecting, conserving and restoring heritage buildings.”

Ms Dissegna said staff would undertake a full review of the program and its success before applying for future rounds with the NSW Government.