
High tea raises vital funds for Benalla Health

Great support: It was a full house at the Glasshouse on Friday, May 10, for the Benalla Hospital Auxiliary's annual high tea fundraiser. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Benalla’s Lakeside Community Centre, also known as the Glasshouse, was the place to be on Friday, May 10.

The stunning venue was full of chatter and smiles as Benalla Hospital Auxiliary held its annual high tea, its biggest fundraiser of the year.

Auxiliary president Sue Tauber said each of the large tables was full, with tickets selling out.

“All the money raised goes towards different things the hospital needs,” Ms Tauber said.

“The hospital gives us a wish list, we will choose something from that list, and we’ll use the funds raised today to purchase it.”

Benalla Health Director of Clinical Services Lisa Waite said the auxiliary not only raises funds, it also provides a valuable link to the community.

“They give us lots about feedback of what the community wants from Benalla Health,” she said.

“Last year they raised $40,000 for the Morrie Evans wing, our residential aged care facility.

“That’s going towards new furniture, and the residents have been very involved in selecting the fabrics they want and things like that.

“They’re getting new recliners, and two-seater couches and they’re all very excited.

“We are incredibly appreciative of all the work the auxiliary does for Benalla Health.”

Ms Tauber said the auxiliary had many people to thank for helping with the function.

“Thank you to Benalla Rural City Council, it gave us a grant to help out with the function today. And to Rambling Rose, which gave us a gift for the raffle,” she said.

“Terry White (Chemmart) helped out selling tickets, thanks to them.

“We’d like to thank the hospital catering unit who did all the food today. We also had a few friends make food as well.

“And thank you to all the men and women of our auxiliary and all the volunteers that help us out.”