
Highway Patrol spotted filming in town

Someone was spotted being pulled over and filmed along Anstruther St. Photo: Shannon Colee Photo by Shannon Colee

Were you one of the people who saw police cars with cameras on Thursday?

If so, you might have just gotten a sneak peek at a future episode of the popular TV show Highway Patrol.

On camera: Highway Patrol was seen filming in Echuca on Thursday. Photo: Shannon Colee Photo by Shannon Colee

Local police confirmed that they were filming in the area and that some naughty Echuca drivers might feature in an upcoming episode.

Just after noon on Thursday, the show was spotted pulling someone over off the Northern Hwy on Anstruther St.

On the lookout: Echuca drivers who weren’t following the rules might just find themselves on TV soon. Photo: Shannon Colee Photo by Shannon Colee

The show often films in Bendigo but decided to travel up to Echuca to get some different footage.