
Highwayman comes through Deni

John the Highwayman sat outside the Multi Arts Centre here in Deniliquin.

John the Highwayman, as he is known to so many, has passed through Deni this week on his way to Hay and beyond.

As the Highwayman, Grant John Cadoret embodies the Aussie spirit.

His admirable disregard for the conformity of every day life and its constructs are what most could not do - he has true freedom.

John has been walking the countryside of Australia for more than 40 years, earning him his nickname.

Originally from Minyip in Victoria’s Wimmera region, he has been camped outside of Deni for the past week or so.

He plans to travel across the Hay Plains and toward the town of Hay, where he will set up camp and see what is next to come.

Regular updates about his trips are posted on the John The Highwayman Facebook page.

The page isn’t run by him or any one person, instead it’s a public page, and it’s simply a way to keep an eye out for the Highwayman.

Rotary’s online raffle

The Rotary Club of Deniliquin has launched its first ever Online Spring Raffle.

Tickets are available for $5 each, and available until the draw on Friday, September 27.

The major prize is two corporate tickets for the 2024 Ute Muster.

Second prize will be a $300 Ag Spares gift card, and the third prize will be a Russell Hobbs air fryer.

You can find a link to purchase raffle ticket on the club’s Facebook page, or go to

Used cars wanted

Deniliquin’s NSW Fire + Rescue brigade has put the call-out for anyone with unwanted used cars to donate them to the brigade.

The cars would be used in emergency firefighter training at the Deniliquin Regional Training Centre.

The cars would go toward helping local firefighters perfect their skills in those emergency settings.

Anyone who can assist is asked to call Andrew on 0408 271 915.

Pumping drills at beach

Speaking of Deniliquin’s Fire + Rescue brigade, the crew were out at McLean’s Beach on Wednesday conducting drills.

The drills were centred around the use of the brigade’s portable Davey pumps and suction hoses from the trucks.

The Deniliquin Fire + Rescue brigade at McLean's Beach for their pump and hose drills.

Fund closes soon

The Australian Federal Government’s Growing Regions Program provides up to $15 million in funding to eligible local government entities and incorporated not-for-profit organisations for capital works projects that enhance livability, boosts social cohesion, and supports local amenity throughout Australia's regions.

Applications will need to meet eligibility criteria to apply for this fantastic opportunity.

You can check your eligibility to apply, applications are open at present and close on Thursday, October 10.

ANZAC Community Grants

Applications are now open for the 2024 ANZAC Community Grants Program.

Grants of up to $3000 are available for projects that commemorate and educate local communities on the service and sacrifices of current and former military service personnel.

Activities that support the wellbeing of veterans in New South Wales are also eligible for funding.

Grants cover four categories: local community historical research and education; preservation or display of war memorabilia; public commemorative events; and support the members of the NSW veteran community.

The program has delivered more than over $560,000 in grants funding. Since its establishment in 2015.

More information and details on how to apply can be found at