
Hit-and-run accused granted bail as victim remains in ICU

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Bail granted: A Benalla man has been granted bail with conditions after being charged with a hit-and-run in the city. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

A 23-year-old Benalla man has been released on bail after being charged over an alleged hit-and-run in the city that left a teenager in a critical condition with brain injuries.

Dylan Norman, of Benalla, has been charged with failing to stop, failing to render assistance, attempting to pervert the course of justice and disqualified driving.

It’s alleged Norman was driving a Mitsubishi 4WD about 9.20pm on Friday, August 4 when the vehicle struck 16-year-old Caleb Puttyfoot, of Benalla, who was walking across Bridge St West.

During a bail hearing in Shepparton Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, August 8, police tendered evidence that included an update of the victim’s condition.

Police said the boy was thrown about 40m by the collision and remains in a stable, but critical, condition in hospital, with considerable damage to the left side of his brain.

They also said accusations against Mr Norman included hiding the vehicle at a property in Baddaginnie and attempting to repair damage to it that was caused in the collision.

Police opposed bail for the accused, who was arrested at Tallygaroopna on Monday, August 7, and suggested additional charges might follow a reconstructive and forensic investigation.

“Since the initial inquiries, I’ve spoken to the accused’s father,” police told the court.

“The father lives in Benalla. His family has offered to put up his address for him to stay at the address. The father has shown great concern for his son. That address is the only address I’d accept.

“I still maintain he’s an unacceptable risk.

“Obviously, with the victim’s condition being critical and ... depending on what our collision reconstruction comes back with, there could be extra charges.”

Magistrate Marita Altman granted bail, but with the conditions that Mr Norman lives at his father’s Benalla address, not contact witnesses for the prosecution, report to Benalla police every Friday and surrender any passport.