
Homelessness on the rise in Strathbogie Shire

Problem growing: BeyondHousing chief executive officer Celia Adams says a number of factors have contributed to increased rates of homelessness.. Photo by Contributed

More than 1222 people experienced homelessness on 2021 Census night in the Ovens Murray and Goulburn regions.

There was a 26 per cent increase in the amount of people experiencing homelessness in the Strathbogie Shire compared to the 2016 census.

BeyondHousing chief executive officer Celia Adams said census data offered an important insight into the prevalence of homelessness in the region.

“We know from the demand for our services that the homelessness experience for regional Victorians has been an enduring and often repeated one,” Ms Adams said.

“We are also able to see the number of people considered marginally housed and at risk of homelessness. This is a substantial number in our region, with 1288 people at real and immediate risk at that point in time.”

Ms Adams said rising costs of rent, a decline in the availability of affordable rental housing and increased costs of living all contributed to increased homelessness.

“This highlights the critical need for the government to continue building more social and affordable housing and to continue to adequately fund homelessness services to meet demand,” Ms Adams said.

“Measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 throughout 2021 contributed to some of the changes in the homelessness data, particularly impacting how people experienced homelessness and how they were able to be supported in our region.

“With additional funding provided to our homelessness services by the Victorian Government, we were able to reduce the number of people experiencing chronic homelessness and sleeping rough.

“We helped more people stay in supported and crisis accommodation such as motels and caravan parks and kept them safer for longer.”

During 2020-21, Beyond Housing provided more than 11,100 nights of crisis accommodation, but once funding ceased in 2021-22 it could only cover 6700 nights.

Ms Adams encouraged the state and federal governments to commit to funding the support and pathways to home that had real social impact.

“We can continue making inroads to ending homelessness,” she said.

“Housing ends homelessness. A safe, secure, affordable home is the foundation of human dignity and opportunity.”