
Honour Vietnam Vets this Sunday

Tocumwal Public School principal Darren White and Lions Club president Keith Kennedy.

Tocumwal RSL will host a Vietnam War commemorative service this Sunday, August 18.

The RSL welcomes service and community members from 10.30am to attend their service at 77 Deniliquin St, to recognise and honour the service and sacrifice of Vietnam veterans and their families and particularly the service and sacrifice of locals who served in Vietnam.

More than 60,000 Australians served in Vietnam, with more than 3000 wounded and 523 losing their lives in the longest conflict in which Australia was involved during the 20th Century.

This was a war that was at times contentious at home, and for some veterans their service was not recognised as it should have been.

Following the service, everyone is welcome to enjoy refreshments and the usual great Sunday raffles and wheel in the hall.

A light lunch of a main meal and dessert will be available, which is co-sponsored by Tattersall’s Hotel and Tocumwal RSL.


Tocumwal Lions Club president Keith Kennedy recently popped into Tocumwal Public School to present a cheque for $1000.

Principal Darren White said the donation will contribute towards the costs of the 2024 student excursion to Canberra.


Congratulations to Tocumwal’s Rose Wiles and Chevelle Lankester for their participation in the Lions District 201V6 Junior Public Speaking Regional Final held in Finley at the weekend.

Fierce competition came from finalists from Finley, Katamatite, Strathmerton, Tungamah, Barooga, Jerilderie, Yarrawonga and Cobram.

Each student presented a prepared speech, which they have already given at the school and club levels.

A special congratulations to Rose for winning the Years 5 and 6 age group.

Rose spoke with clarity, composure and confidence on the topic ‘Who is the most influential person in your life?’ Rose spoke about her grandfather, Rob.

Rose will now go on to represent the region at the District Final on August 25, which will be hosted in Tocumwal.


The Tocumwal community playgroup is a fantastic new group that runs every Wednesday during the school term.

There is music, stories, games, learning activities and a chance to connect with other local parents at Sacred Heart Primary School on Charlotte St from 9am until 11am.

For more information, call 5874 2371 or email


Thanks to the Tocumwal community, the Tocumwal Lions Club has recently sent off 5kg of postage stamps to the Australian Chapter of the Lions International Stamp Club.

These stamps will be auctioned, and the funds will be passed on to the Australian Lions Children's Mobility Foundation.

A similar amount recently sold for around $2000.

The Australian Lions Children's Mobility Foundation works to get kids out of their wheelchairs and onto their feet so they can walk, explore, play, work and socialise, with the use of walking and other mobility aids.

Since the Stamp Club Project started 20 years ago, more than $373,000 has been passed onto ALCMF, with $27,000 raised in the last 12 months.

You can drop off your used stamps in the blue collection bin at Tocumwal IGA.

To help with processing, please trim the paper to within 3mm of the stamp.

The Tocumwal Lions Club is also collecting old reading glasses and hearing aids, which are refurbished for those in need across Australia and around the world.


As you may be aware, the free program for recycling your empty tablet blisters at the Tocumwal Pharmacy ended on June 30.

Ash and Gab at the pharmacy have been in contact with the Berrigan Shire Council over the past month to ask if they would like to continue this program in Tocumwal (and within the Berrigan Shire).

Considering the council’s current stance on reducing waste, they believe this would be a great fit for the shire to take this project on.

A representative from the Berrigan Shire Council has visited the pharmacy recently to see how the program worked and has gone back to council discuss further, so don’t throw out your empty blisters just yet.


If you have something of interest for inclusion in the ‘Tocumwal Tells’ column or are celebrating a special event, please email or call on 0432 261 296.