
Honouring local servicewomen

Rutherglen RSL Women’s Auxiliary President Rosemary Hince is very proud of the soon-to-be-unveiled plaque dedicated to local servicewomen, marking a historic recognition of their contributions to the nation’s defence.

The Rutherglen RSL Sub-Branch will unveil a historic plaque dedicated exclusively to local servicewomen this Saturday at the Rutherglen Memorial Park.

The event, scheduled to commence at 11am, aims to formally recognise the sacrifices and contributions made by women in all branches of the Australian Defence Force during periods of war, conflict, and peace.

The plaque is inscribed with a message of gratitude, acknowledging the vital roles played by these servicewomen in defending the nation: “This plaque acknowledges the efforts of local women who served in all Services of the Australian Defence Force during periods of War, Conflict and Peace and recognises their contribution in providing assistance in defence of the Nation.”

Spearheaded by Rutherglen RSL Women’s Auxiliary President Rosemary Hince, the initiative garnered significant community support, evidenced by the overwhelming response to a call for photographs of local servicewomen.

The campaign resulted in a collection of over 50 images, primarily featuring women who served in World War I, World War II, Vietnam, and other conflicts.

“The response has been overwhelming,” Mrs Hince said.

“These photographs will be displayed in a special PowerPoint presentation following the ceremony.”

The dedication ceremony is set to include traditional honours, such as a Catafalque Party Mount, potentially comprised entirely of women, along with prayers, the Ode, Last Post, wreath laying, and the singing of the Australian Anthem.

Colonel Clare Kellaway, Commander Joint Logistics Unit- Victoria, is scheduled to deliver a keynote speech, offering insights from her esteemed career and reflecting on the evolving role of women in the armed forces.

The ceremony will be followed by a morning tea at the Memorial Hall, where attendees can view the slideshow presentation, share stories, and celebrate the legacy of local servicewomen together.

The unveiling of the plaque is not just a local initiative but a historic moment for the community, emphasising the significant yet often overlooked contributions of women to the military.

“It’s a reminder of their bravery, service, and sacrifice, ensuring that these stories are remembered and honoured for generations to come,” Mrs Hince said.

“We are proud to host this event and invite everyone to commemorate our servicewomen’s bravery and service.”

The Rutherglen RSL Sub-Branch extends a heartfelt invitation to all serving and ex-service women, as well as the general public, to join in commemorating this momentous occasion this Saturday, March 2.