
Host of dignitaries to attend opening of Benalla’s new Men’s Shed

Brand new: Benalla's new Men’s Shed will be officially opened by State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes. Photo by Simon Ruppert

After years of sharing the chook shed at the showgrounds, the Benalla Men’s Shed has moved into its brand new home on Waller St.

While the shedders moved in last year, COVID-19 delayed the official opening — which will now take place on July 20.

Benalla Men’s Shed committee member Lou Sigmund, who was president when plans to move were first floated, said the new shed was 500 per cent better than the old one.

“That’s in terms of size, and quality,” Mr Sigmund said.

“Dealing with old ducks and chooks was problematic and we are so relieved.

“It was my dream (that) we have our own shed.

“I did the original submission to the state government for an $80,000 grant, which we got in 2020.

“The other shed was small, dangerous and we lost a lot of membership as we couldn’t accommodate them, which was problematic.

“But now we’ve had an increase in numbers and are looking forward to the future.”

Mr Sigmund said the shed now had 30 registered members and another 20 who were coming along on a weekly basis.

He also said shedders were in the process of looking into expanding membership by opening the club up to women as well as men.

“We have been asked by some ladies if they could join the shed,” he said.

“There are a few issues around our insurance and safety we are working through, but that is our aim.”

Mr Sigmund said the shed would be officially opened by State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes.

“We will also have the chief executive officer of the Australian Men’s Shed Association, Paul Sladdin, in attendance,” he said.

“And the chair of the Victorian Men’s Shed Association (Trevor Dobbyn) will be there.

“All Benalla Rural City Councillors will be there as well as chief executive Dom Testoni.

“We will have representatives from Victoria Police, and we’ve invited members of other local Men’s Sheds, such as Violet Town and Wangaratta.”

Mr Sigmund said the public were welcome to attend, but asked if people could call him on 0427 337 963 to confirm, so the club has an idea of numbers.

He also said the club was always on the lookout for new members, and if anyone was interested to give him a call.