
Hundreds back Nats candidate’s petition for stadium rebuild

Fighting for rebuild: Nationals candidate for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland receiving the Benalla Stadium upgrade petition from Benalla Basketball Association Committee member Sheree Jackson. Photo by Contributed

More than 400 local people have signed a petition calling for the rebuild of the Benalla Indoor Recreation Centre.

The petition, which has been running for only a few weeks, was driven by Nationals candidate for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland, who has taken on the cause of the stadium’s users.

Current State Member for Euroa Steph Ryan tabled the petition in Parliament on Ms Cleeland’s behalf on Wednesday, October 14.

She told Parliament the stadium’s redevelopment would be a major boost for Benalla’s sporting community.

“Then Benalla Rec Centre has supported sport in the region for decades, but the time has undoubtedly come for a full rebuild,” Ms Ryan said.

“The project will have a benefit for more than 550 people who use the stadium each week for their chosen sport.

“An upgrade would see new basketball and squash courts, change room facilities, a reception and an overall increase in available space and resources for user groups.

“Regional Victoria makes up 25 per cent of the state’s population, but we are getting just 13 per cent of the state’s capital spending under Labor.

“This petition is a reminder of the worthwhile projects that should be funded in places like Benalla.”

Ms Cleeland thanked Ms Ryan for tabling the petition and said the stadium in its present form was reaching the end of its useful life, with associated safety issues.

“Sports in Benalla have waiting lists because the stadium’s facilities are inadequate,” Ms Cleeland said.

“After a challenging few years, it’s so important people are able to enjoy the physical and social benefits of being healthy and active through sport.

“An upgrade would help keep future generations active and engaged in their community.

“Whether your chosen sport is basketball or badminton, an upgraded stadium would be a massive boost for the community.

“The Nationals’ Regional Infrastructure Funding Guarantee, which promises 25 per cent of new infrastructure spending will be regional, will boost regional investment and make projects like this come to life.

“If I’m elected, I’m determined to fight for this funding to see the stadium rebuilt.”