
“I love our region”, Cleeland’s maiden speech in Parliament

Cleeland family: Arthur, David, Annabelle and Quinn.

Newly elected state Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland has made her maiden speech in Victorian Parliament, addressing the Legislative Assembly to call for greater investment into regional infrastructure.

“I am standing here today because I love our region, our community and the people who call it home,” Ms Cleeland said.

On Monday, February 8, the Nationals MP brought her family along for the Spring St address, speaking of family life as a motivating factor.

“We are so grateful to have the opportunity to raise our kids in this community, but we have also experienced first hand that living regionally comes with a cost,” she said.

Ms Cleeland highlighted the need for investment into roads — including the Kilmore bypass project — schools and childcare, along with hospitals and regional maternity care.

She said community spirit should not be a substitute for regional investment, referencing the Seymour Football Netball Club’s October 2022 flood clean-up efforts.

“For too long these communities have relied on their famous resilience to navigate locational disadvantage and multilayered social issues because they have no other option,” she said.

Ms Cleeland hopes to use her background in journalism to continue to be a storyteller for Australians.

“To the people of the Euroa electorate and to my community, thank you for your trust in me and your support. It is an honour to work to protect, defend and celebrate you and the place we all call home,” she said.

Ms Cleeland thanked her constitutes, family and team, and singled out friend and former Member for Euroa Steph Ryan for her mentorship in taking up the role.

“Your gardening, cooking, parenting and political advice is unparalleled,” Ms Cleeland said.

“Thank you for showing us that a powerful, empathetic voice that puts people ahead of politics is what Victorians want, need and deserve.”