
‘Immediate action is necessary’

Concerns raised: State Member for Shepparton Kim O’Keeffe urged the Victorian Government to address road safety as a matter of urgency. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

State Member for Shepparton Kim O’Keeffe raised concerns in parliament regarding increased numbers of lives lost on Victorian roads since road safety program cuts.

“Regional Victoria is experiencing a significant rise in road accidents and fatalities, and I urge the minister to address this as a matter of urgency.” Ms O’Keeffe said.

Ms O’Keeffe said over the past two years, the state government had cut road safety programs by $230 million, with a $150 million reduction in the Transport Accident Commission-funded Safe System Road Infrastructure program and a $81 million shortfall in the TAC marketing and road safety budget.

“It’s alarming to note that there has also been a 45 per cent reduction in road maintenance funding from 2020, which has led to the appalling unsafe condition of our roads,” Ms O’Keeffe said.

The TAC reports 102 lives lost on Victorian roads this year as of May 9, marking an increase in fatalities since 2020.

2020 saw 87 fatalities by May and a total of 211 lives lost by December 31.

The numbers spiked in 2023 with 295 total fatalities (a 22.4 per cent increase from 2022) and have remained high into the current year.

Ms O’Keeffe urged Roads and Road Safety Minister Melissa Horne to reinstate the cut safety and maintenance programs to ensure the safety of Victorian roads.

“It is clear that we are facing a road safety crisis on our roads. Immediate action is necessary to reverse this distressing trend,” Ms O’Keeffe said.

“Our community deserves to know how the state government plans to address these concerns, and I’m eager to hear the minister’s response regarding this matter, especially given its urgency.”