
Immersion day lifts Year 12s as they turn attention to their final year and beyond

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Future so bright: Year 12 students John Michael Perez, Vanessa Asante and Talon Wilson with senior school assistant principal Kirsten Tozer during Greater Shepparton Secondary College’s immersion day. Photo by Murray Silby

Around 200 Year 12 students from Greater Shepparton Secondary College have spent two days asking questions and getting answers as they start their final year of secondary education and plan for life after school.

The immersion day was held at the McIntosh Centre at the Shepparton Showgrounds and included presentations from tertiary institutions, businesses and health and wellbeing experts.

An assistant principal with the college’s senior school, Kirsten Tozer, said the presentations and activities run during the immersion day aimed to help students prepare for their final year of school and expose them to possible education, training and work opportunities to pursue in the future.

“It’s at the beginning of the year because it’s about setting up our students, as well as their parents and carers, with an understanding of what to expect in their final year of study. Coupled with that, it’s about linking them with community,” Ms Tozer said.

“So we’ve been lucky enough to have representatives from universities, TAFE. Employers come in and speak to our students about the opportunities that are presented there, both within the greater Shepparton area and beyond.”

One of the Year 12 students involved on the day was John Michael Perez.

He said the day outlined the services the school offered its Year 12s during a year of high pressure.

“It’s been fantastic,” he said.

“Knowing the fact that we have a lot of wellbeing staff, our teachers and our mentors to help guide us throughout the year is very reassuring and gives us a sense of relief.”

Vanessa Asante, who has a nursing career in mind beyond school, said presentations from universities and TAFE had helped her plan for the future.

“Having the universities and TAFE explaining to us how we could have different pathways and still get to our destination, that was really helpful and reassuring,” she said.

Vanessa said she had also appreciated being able to gather together in her school house and neighbourhood with other Year 12s.

It might be Talon Wilson’s final year at GSSC, but he’s hoping his departure will only be a temporary one and guidance from further education institutions during the immersion day has helped reassure him that his dream job is possible.

“I'd love to be a teacher at Greater Shepparton (Secondary College),” he said.

“That's my goal. The school has done a lot for me and I can't wait to try and give some back to school because it has looked after me very well,” he said.