
Improvement in ambulance response

Indigo Shire’s code one ambulance response times have seen considerable improvement in the last 12 months.

Indigo Shire has shown considerable improvement in its ambulance response times for the most urgent calls, according to the latest quarterly performance data released by Ambulance Victoria.

A year ago, the shire was at the bottom of the state’s rankings for code 1 ambulance response times.

The recent data, spanning from October 1 to December 31, illustrates marked progress, with 34.5 per cent of first responders to code 1 emergency arriving within the critical first 15 minutes.

This performance is a dramatic leap from the 19.6 per cent recorded 12 months prior.

The latest quarterly data also shows the average time it took for an ambulance to respond to a code 1 call in the region was 21 minutes and 41 seconds.

Twelve months ago, the average time it took for an ambulance to respond to a code 1 call in the region was 25 minutes and 20 seconds.

‘Code one’ refers to an incident that requires urgent paramedic and hospital care based on information available at the time of call. Patients’ lives are more likely in danger and receive a “lights and sirens” response.

Indigo Shire Mayor Sophie Price said ambulance response times are an issue that has remained one of the council’s highest advocacy priorities for a number of years.

“While the latest figures are encouraging, we are now looking for not only consistency, but also further improvements and we will continue to advocate at every opportunity,” Mayor Price said

“We highly value the work of our paramedics and other first responders and when we talk about Code One response times and our strong desire for better health outcomes for our residents, we are targeting government, not those on the ground doing an incredible job.”

Indigo’s improvement follows a state-wide trend, with Ambulance Victoria paramedics reaching patients nearly two minutes faster than a year ago despite another record-breaking quarter for emergency ambulance demand.

The last quarter of 2023 (October to December) was the busiest in its history with 154,267 emergency cases.

This includes 99,833 Code 1 cases – the second most on record – and 54,434 Code 2 cases.

Executive Director Clinical Operations Anthony Carlyon said the average response time to Code 1 “lights and sirens” cases was now under 15 minutes for the first time in more than two years.

“While there is more work ahead of us, it is encouraging our response to Code 1 emergencies improved a full minute and 46 seconds compared to a year ago,” Mr Carlyon said.

“The Productivity Commission’s recent Report on Government Services shows Victoria has Australia’s most trusted paramedics and leads the nation in cardiac arrest survival and pain management.

“Our dedicated paramedics and first responders are to be commended for the outstanding care they deliver to communities across the state.”

Between October and December 2023, paramedics across Victoria responded to 67.3 per cent of Code 1 cases within the statewide target of 15 minutes – up from 66 per cent for the previous three months and 7.1 percentage points better than 60.2 per cent a year ago.

As a result, the state-wide average response time to Code 1 emergencies dropped from 16 minutes and 44 seconds to 14 minutes and 58 seconds.

Performance against the 15-minute target for Code 1 cases improved in 74 of Victoria’s 79 Local Government Areas (LGAs) compared to a year ago, with the biggest improvements in Melbourne’s growing outer suburbs.

Mr Carlyon said improved performance followed increased use of alternative and virtual care services for people in the community who did not require an ambulance.

“From October to December 2023, 38,695 people who did not need an emergency ambulance were instead connected to more appropriate care by paramedics and nurses in AV’s Secondary Triage team,” Mr Carlyon said.

“There are now so many options for people in the community to get timely, non-urgent health advice and save Triple Zero (000) for emergencies.

“For non-life-threatening matters, you can connect directly with emergency doctors and nurses at the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED) from anywhere in Victoria, at any time.

“Since October 2021, paramedics have referred more than 56,000 patients to the VVED, while a further 5,400 have been referred to the VVED following assessment by our Secondary Triage team.

“Other options also include your local Priority Primary Care Centre, your GP or pharmacist, or Nurse-On-Call on 1300 60 60 24.”