
Indi residents have seat at the table in renewable energy review

Discussions: Federal Member for Indi Helen Haines has been involved in talks about renewable energy projects. Photo by Contributed

Communities across Indi had their say on a Federal Government review into community engagement processes for new renewable energy projects and associated infrastructure in a series of roundtable meetings.

The roundtables included local government representatives, businesses, landowners and community groups.

Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner Andrew Dyer is leading the review, established to advise how best to engage with communities about future renewable energy and transmission projects.

Federal Member for Indi Helen Haines and ACT Independent Senator David Pocock worked closely with Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen to put the interests of regional Australia front and centre, ensuring the terms of reference would adequately cover the opportunities and challenges being faced in Indi and across regional, rural and remote areas.

“I am proud to have made this review happen so the voices of local people can be heard and meaningful community engagement on the energy transition can occur,” Dr Haines said.

“I attended the community roundtable.

“The 20 people in the room, representing communities concerned about projects across Indi, were in agreement that, to date, community consultation by project developers has been disappointing.”

The Federal electorate of Indi is home to two Renewable Energy Zones, the Ovens Murray REZ and Central North REZ, with several existing large-scale renewable energy projects including the Winton Solar Farm and the Glenrowan Solar Farm.

“Australia’s renewable energy transition is happening in the regions,” Dr Haines said.

“Regional communities deserve to be consulted early and honestly, have their concerns listened to, and be provided opportunities to seize the long-term benefits of the renewable’s boom happening at their farm gate.

“The review will consider issues I know are important to our regional communities, such as the impact of projects on agricultural land, emergency management and fire risks, and increases in landholder insurance premiums.”

Dr Haines said the review would examine benefit-sharing with local communities, including financial benefits, local employment opportunities and skills development.

“Local communities should get a fair share of the economic benefits of renewable energy projects,” she said.

“This means jobs, training, and the opportunity to take up a stake by co-investing in large-scale projects, which are mostly foreign-owned.

“We value what we have in north-east Victoria, and we have a bright future ahead of us if government and energy developers work with regional communities to get the transition right.”

Following the roundtables and consideration of public submissions, the review will deliver its final report by the end of 2023.