
Inland Rail opens community consultation on heritage interpretations for Benalla’s signal box

Inland Rail is seeking community input on heritage interpretation plans for Benalla’s historic signal box. Photo: Rene Martens. Photo by Rene Martens RenSmart Photography

Inland Rail is seeking community feedback on the heritage interpretation options for the Benalla signal box in the updated designs for the local Railway Station.

An online feedback portal will opened July 3, allowing the community to have a say.

Ed Walker, Inland Rail Program Delivery Director B2A said a Heritage Interpretation Plan has been developed to highlight a range of interpretation options for the signal hut and the community is encouraged to have their say.

“We understand the community is passionate about the Benalla Railway Station precinct, which is why we’re seeking community feedback on the interpretation options for the signal hut,” Mr Walker said.

“I encourage the local community to participate in the survey and share their thoughts and ideas.”

Better Benalla Rail, a locqal lobby group, had secured an interim protection order on the 1888 structure.

However, Heritage Victoria declined to make that order permanent for a range of reasons.

It stated that the signal box is not of state-level cultural heritage significance and should not be included in the Victorian Heritage Register.

One of the main reasons being that it was not sufficiently unique.

Inland Rail will capture community feedback on the Heritage Interpretation Plan through the online survey, which will run from July 3 to July 31.

The results of the survey will be shared with the community and passed onto its contractor to be considered in the next stage of precinct design.

You can access the survey via