
Insightful essay wins Monash bursary

James Clarke at the Jerilderie Remembrance Day ceremony at with Jerilderie RSL President Laurie Blackmore and Cr Ruth McRae.

James Clarke is the recipient of the 2022 Sir John Monash Bursary.

The Coleambally resident submitted what has been described as an “insightful and informed essay (that) was wise beyond his years”, according to Murrumbidgee Council Mayor Ruth McRae

“This bursary will be a great investment in a young man who will make a difference,” Cr McRae said.

James has been awarded $2000.

He will commence a double degree at the Australian National University next year, majoring in economics and finance.

“He plans on entering the world of financial services once he finishes his degree, with a long term goal to eventually own a hedge fund,” Cr McRae said.

James thanked Murrumbidgee Council for providing the bursary and assisting people from the area to gain a university qualification.

“Council provides the $2000 bursary annually to students in the council area as a way of supporting education, and also recognising the incredible contribution Jerilderie's most famous son (Sir John Monash) made on the national and world scale,” Cr McRae said.

James’ essay can be read on the Murrumbidgee Council website -