
‘Inundated’: Government makes flu shots free for all

Free flu jabs: The Victorian Government has announced all Victorians will be eligible for a free flu shot from Wednesday, June 1.

Victorians aged six months and over will be eligible for a free flu shot from today, Wednesday, June 1.

The $33 million investment from the Victorian Government comes after the number of flu cases in Victoria rose by 30 per cent in the past week.

Amcal Pharmacy Echuca pharmacist Elias Kostaglou said free flu shots were a “bonus” as the community endured a tough season for influenza.

“We’ve been in lockdown for so long the flu hasn’t gone around as much,” he said.

“We’re definitely inundated.”

Victorian Health Minister Martin Foley asked Victorians to get their vaccination to not only protect themselves, but also the health system.

“This will be the first time in two years that we will face a real flu season,” he said.

“We need all Victorians to roll up their sleeves and help protect their loved ones and our health system by getting vaccinated.”

The flu vaccine protects recipients against the four main strains of influenza, reducing the risk of getting sick.

For the month of June, more than 3000 GP clinics and community pharmacies across Victoria will be reimbursed by the government for vaccines administered to Victorians not already eligible for the free flu shot.

The government also announced $2000 grants to flu vaccine providers to help cope with additional demand.

At Amcal, Mr Kostaglou said the chemist had had a large influx of customers receiving the vaccine, and that he was concerned that without additional supplies, stock would run out.

“We did pre-order flu vaccines, but we’ve used most of that already,” he said.

“We’re going to run out soon if we don’t get more.”

Those already eligible for a free flu vaccine each year include children under five, people over 65, pregnant women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and people with increased risk medical conditions.

Victorians are urged to contact their GP or local chemist to book their flu vaccine from Wednesday, June 1, until June 30.