
Joanne delivers Pink Day thanks

Pink Day organiser Joanne Dean (center) with Finley Lions Club members Gavin Butcher, Bill Judd, Ray Healey and Peter Martin.

Finley Lions Club members received a special visitor while selling the wood raffle tickets last Saturday.

Joanne Dean took the opportunity to thank those members who gave their time to cook the barbecue lunch at the Finley Golf Club for the recently successful Pink Day.

The Lions Club again contributed the ingredients for the barbecue.

Joanne also expressed her sincere thanks to the local business houses who contributed so generously to trophies and raffle prizes.


Just a reminder that Dr Alam will again be giving a presentation on the holistic treatment of patients with dementia or memory loss at the Berrigan Shire Dementia Alliance ‘Unlocking Hope No.10 – Understanding Dementia’ event.

It is scheduled to take place at the Finley RS Club on Thursday, September 12, 10.15am for 10.30am start.

An RSVP to 5883 9600 would be appreciated, but is not essential.


This week is Legacy Week and Legatees will be selling badges until this Friday, September 6, outside Finley IGA.

Please take the opportunity to support the important work involved in the care of the dependants of those who served their country, namely veterans who died on operational service or Australian Defence Service personnel who have died as a result of their service.


Brett Murphy with his prize-winning chocolate cake.

Well, it seems Finley school teacher Brett Murphy will have to wait another 12 months to once again challenge local Craig Matheson for the men’s division of chocolate cake cooking at the Finley Show.

Despite practising and trying out a replica on his friends who had gathered on Saturday evening to help him celebrate his 55th birthday, Brett still came in second to Craig’s prize-winning cake.

However, they might both have to be on their toes next year as Craig’s daughter Indie could overtake them.

She did very well with her cooking and took out the Mary Dawe Memorial Most Successful Junior Cookery Exhibitor (11-14 years).

She was also awarded second prize in the Miss Spring competition. Well done, Indie.


Miss Spring runner-up Indie Matheson alongside her prize-winning chocolate cake and Mary Dawe Memorial ribbon.

Charlotte Perry, art teacher at Finley High School, was also very successful with her exhibits at the Finley Show on Sunday.

With several outstanding exhibits, Charlotte took out the Finley Rotary Club Champion Pavilion Exhibit ribbon.

Charlotte was unable to be present to receive congratulations as she was in Melbourne for another very important project. Her partner, Tim Buckley, was happy to act as stand-in.


Students who attended Finley High School starting Form 1 in 1969 to Form 6 in 1974 are reminded to register for the reunion to be held in Finley from Friday, October 4 until Sunday, October 6.

There is a wide range of activities planned for this important occasion, and registration can be made online at

Further information can be made by contacting Dean Russell on 0422 311 483 or Ray Stenhouse on 0418 400 455.

The animal petting enclosure was the only place to be at the Finley Show, according to little Oliver Mead.


The Finley Art Network’s bi-monthly meeting was held recently with a good attendance of members.

Discussed was the decorating and organising of the art room, and the drawing of the Father’s Day raffle.

George Scorgie was the winner, and his wife Yvonne was very excited to collect the prize on his behalf.

The raffle was extremely well-supported, and the organisers would like to thank the community for its support.

All funds raised are used to cover the cost of insurance and electricity and to engage guest teachers for workshops and other activities.

Of some concern to the group are items of art that have been left at the gallery by former members over the years.

Rather than discard these items, the group is asking those who may have left some of their work to please check and collect.

More information can be obtained by calling the Network on 0424 301 050 or 0417 410 731

If not claimed after two months, they will either be discarded or reused.

New members are always welcome, so please feel free to call in at the gallery next door to the Finley Courthouse on any Saturday between 10am and 2pm or any Tuesday between 1pm and 4pm.


Finley RSL Sub-branch will be holding a street stall this Friday, and the members would appreciate the continuing support of the community.

Donations of cakes, slices and other saleable goods such as plants would be most acceptable.


Winner of last Saturday’s Finley Lions Club wood raffle was Terry Dundon, another good supporter of this fundraiser.

Remember, all winning tickets go into the barrel for the draw at the end of the season for a homemade fire pit.


Items for ‘From Finley’ may be submitted by phoning 0428 293 922, emailing or left at the Southern Riverina News office.

Please include a contact name and phone number.

Tim Buckley collected partner Charlotte Perry's show prizes.
Charlotte and Max Vallante were enthralled with the prize-winning Lego exhibit by Tommy Brown at the show.