
Jobless rate lowest in regions

Victoria’s regional unemployment rate is the lowest on record and lowest among the states, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics data released on September 23.

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas said it was a remarkable achievement given the economic impacts of the pandemic.

Victoria's regional unemployment rate dropped by 1.1 percentage points to 3.2 per cent over three months to August this year.

“Our economy is much like regional Victoria — resilient,” Mr Pallas said.

“While we acknowledge this has been an unprecedented time for businesses and workers, these numbers are testament of your attitude and work ethic to simply get on with it.’’

Since November, 2014, the unemployment rate in regional Victoria has decreased by 3.4 percentage points — the largest decrease of all states.

While employment fell nationally in August, more than 29,000 people found work in Victoria during the same month, again topping other states.

This progresses the Victorian Government’s target of creating 400,000 jobs by 2025, with 288,000 people finding work since September, 2020.

The record low regional unemployment rate follows the decision to cut the regional Victorian payroll tax rate to one quarter of the metropolitan rate in July.

It is now 1.2125 per cent, the lowest in Australia.