
July completion date for Maude St Mall redevelopment’s second stage

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Construction under way: Redevelopment of Shepparton’s Maude St Mall is progressing and on track for completion in July. Photo by Megan Fisher

Shepparton’s Maude St Mall redevelopment works are moving on to stage two, focusing on the northern end of the mall, and are set to be completed in July 2022.

Demolition work has already taken place throughout the mall to pave the way for the shared traffic zone between Fryers St and High St and stage two hoarding has been installed at the northern end of the mall.

Shade structures, lighting, street furniture, tree cells, new concrete and paving will be installed in the coming months.

Infrastructure director Gary Randhawa said the redevelopment was starting to take shape.

“Much of the construction completed to date has been demolition works,” he said.

“While there is still demolition taking place in stage two and future stages, we are excited to begin to install some of the new structures such as lighting and shaded seating areas.”

Some of the features included in the mall’s new design is a shared 20km/h one-way traffic zone from Fryers St to High St, head-first parallel parking on both sides of the road, plantation of more trees, a soft fall terrain playground, garden beds and street furniture and smart lighting along the street.

Construction on stage one of the project, near Fraser St, is still under way. The new playground is due to be installed in March.

All shops around the mall are still accessible as is parking in the area, and once construction is complete the hoarding will be removed but the roadway will be closed until the project is fully completed.

Shoppers are encouraged to continue visiting stores in the mall while construction is under way.

For more information about the proposed redevelopment works, visit the Greater Shepparton City Council website.