
Katamatite Lions Club receives $17,500 donation for mural

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Massive gift: Katamatite Lions president Graeme Hendy receives a cheque from op shop manager Cheryl Hill. Photo by Contributed

The Katamatite Lions Club has received a $17,500 cheque courtesy of the Katamatite Lions Op Shop.

The cheque, which was presented by op shop manager Cheryl Hill to Katamatite Lions president Graeme Hendy, will be used to help pay for the Katamatite silo mural, which was recently completed by well-known artist Tim Bowtell.

Ms Hill is a big fan of the new mural and believes it will help boost and revitalise the town with an influx of tourists.

“I love it,” Ms Hill said.

Ms Hill played a big part in the Katamatite silo mural project, working as the fundraiser co-ordinator.

The Katamatite local, who joined the Lions Club 12 months ago and is now its secretary, believes the group is an indispensable part of community life in the small town.

“I think they do a marvellous job around town,” she said.

Her hopes that the silo mural will attract tourists as part of the greater Silo Art Trail are being fulfilled, with passers-by seen taking photos.

Queenslander Warren Pendlebury was one such tourist.

For him, the Katamatite silo mural was one of the best he had seen in Australia and he enjoyed the side-by-side depiction of pre-colonial times and the life of early settlers.

“The detail in such a large mural is just amazing,” he said.