
Katamatite Lions Club seeks funding for silo art upkeep

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Eye-catching: The Katamatite silo mural has become a tourist hotspot since being completed earlier this year. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

The Katamatite Lions Club is seeking donations for signage at the town’s silo mural and money for upkeep of the artwork.

The silo mural was unveiled in September to much fanfare, having cost about $55,000 to paint.

Katamatite Lions Club secretary Cheryl Hill said she hoped for public donations to ensure the murals stay as beautiful as when they were initially finished.

The Lions had been working on having the silo painted for the past five years.

“We wanted to bring people into the town because the town was dying,” Ms Hill said.

Along with money to maintain the murals, the Lions also want money to set up sponsor boards at the foot of the mural.

The boards would have a list of the sponsors, a detailed map of the silo art trail and the history behind the various images depicted on the silo.

Ms Hill said the Lions were hoping for as many donors as possible.

“Feel free to please donate and help the town,” she said.

Ms Hill said the mural, which depicts life in the area from pre-colonisation to farm life in the first half of the 20th century, was one of the greatest she had seen.

“The mural is really good. It’s one of the best, but I’m probably biased,” she said.