
Key council appointments

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Appointment: Cr Seema Abdullah has joined council’s Development Hearings Panel. Photo by Seema Abdullah

Experienced risk manager David Kortum and auditor Goran Mitrevski have been reappointed to Greater Shepparton City Council’s six-member Audit and Risk Management Committee.

Both were appointed at the April council meeting for a three-year term, concluding on May 1, 2025.

Mr Mitrevski, who has a background in internal auditing, accountancy and risk management, was also appointed as committee chair for the next 12 months.

The committee, which supports council in its oversight of financial and performance reporting, fraud prevention and risk management, also presented its biannual report.

The report said no extreme or high-rated findings were identified by the internal audit, but said council management needed to continue to improve the timely implementation of audit recommendations.

At the same meeting, Cr Seema Abdullah was appointed to the Development Hearings Panel, replacing Cr Rob Priestly, who has taken a leave of absence during the federal election campaign.

Cr Shane Sali, who was already on the panel, will now chair the hearings, which deal with planning matters where there are a small number of objections.