
Landcare skills – up and running in Goomalibee

Expert: Tony Kelly from Advanced Ag hosted a workshop on weeds for Goomalibee Landcare Group. Photo by Contributed

It has been full steam ahead for the Goomalibee Landcare Group this year thanks to a grant that is funding five community events.

The group received the grant from the Goulburn Murray Catchment Management Authority.

A GLG spokesperson said members had a wealth of experience, and had been full of ideas and enthusiasm after two years’ enforced break.

“The group were off and running early, with the delivery of a weed identification and management workshop,” the spokesperson said.

“(That was) delivered by local agronomist and member Tony Kelly from Advanced Ag, and supported by local spray contractor Sean Horsburgh.

“The event attracted a keen bunch of landholders from a wide area.

“Tony’s identification skills were put to good use, with all participants bringing weeds such as hairy panic, wireweed, heliotrope, Bathurst burr, black nightshade, paddy melon, fat hen, horehound, marshmallow and stinking goosefoot.

“All who attended appreciated the management advice that Tony and Sean were able to provide,” the GLG spokesperson said.

In May, GLG president Ewen McLean shared knowledge gained over many years as a professional stockman.

Attendees were treated with a presentation and live demonstration of running his own weaners through the draft and the race in a safe, calm manner, as well as the opportunity to learn from vets Lachlan King (Agriculture Victoria) and Stacey Hall (Goorambat Livestock Vet Services).

“Stock don’t wear a watch,” Mr McLean said.

“The attitude of the stock is a reflection of the attitude of the stockman.

“Quiet, calm handling techniques will result in cattle that will be easier to manage and save you time in the long run.”

Mr McLean's tips were much appreciated by all who attended.

Attendees also appreciated the opportunity to view his stockyard design modifications, which improved the safety and efficiency of the yards.

Goomalibee Landcare’s next event is a Paddock Trees and Soil Discussion to be held at the North Eastern Hotel from 6pm to 8pm. A light supper will be provided.

GLG ask that attendees RSVP for catering purposes by Wednesday, July 20 to