
Lauren to rep Finley at zone final

Finley Show Young Woman Lauren Clarke with Finley Show Society president Matt Mueller at last year’s show.

Best wishes to Lauren Clarke who will be representing Finley Show Society at The Land Sydney Royal Ag Shows Young Woman’s Zone Final this weekend.

The event hosted by Walbundrie Show Society will be held at the Albury Commercial Club.

During the evening two young women will be selected to compete at the Sydney Royal Show in April.


The River of Life (CRC) Church congregation will be hosting Brett Lindner, a healing evangelist, on Sunday, March 5 at 16 Denison Street, Finley at both the 10am and 6pm services.

As a healing evangelist, Brett prays for the sick and sees God heal them in Jesus' name.

An invitation is extended to Finley and surrounding communities to attend and experience God’s love and supernatural powers.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Paster Val Head on 0418 207 429.


The volunteers at Shabby-to-Chic are delighted to have Francis Burdock back behind the organisation, and would like to advise that the shop will now be open again from 9.30am until noon.

The Op Shop, a project of Finley Rotary Club, is run entirely by volunteers.

Organisers would welcome anyone who could assist for a few hours, even on a relief basis.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Francis on 0412 772 572.


The World Day of Prayer 2023 service will be held at the Finley Presbyterian Church on Friday, March 3 commencing at 10am.

Taiwan is the country to be focused on this year, with some interesting stories and history to be told.

Taiwan is an island country (one main island and more than 100 smaller islands) located between Japan and the Philippines.

It lies 180km from the coast of China across the Taiwan Strait.

Its land area is less than half the size of Tasmania.

An invitation is extended to all members of the community to come together and learn more of this interesting nation.


The Red Cross has launched a Turkey Syria earthquake appeal, and the Langunyah Finley branch is happy to receive donations.

They may be handed to either Val Hand or Rosemary McCaw. Receipts are available.


Items for From Finley may be submitted by phoning 0428 293 922, emailing or left at the Southern Riverina News office. Please include a contact name and phone number.