
Dying to Know Day | Raising awareness around end-of-life planning

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Dead event: GV Hospice and FamilyCare invite you to their Dying to Know Day. Photo by Megan Fisher

Dying to Know Day is an annual campaign that seeks to transform the way Australians perceive and approach death, dying and end-of-life planning.

This event aims to raise awareness and provide valuable information about various aspects related to death and end-of-life planning.

This year’s campaign, titled ‘Get dead set’, encourages individuals to take simple steps to plan for their end-of-life journey, empowering them to live and die well.

FamilyCare and GV Hospice have joined forces to bring the event to the community of Shepparton.

It will take place on Tuesday, August 8, from 11am to 3pm, at GV Hospice, 102 Balaclava Rd, Shepparton.

Throughout the day, attendees will have the opportunity to listen to speakers from Services Australia, Owen Mohan Funerals and GV Hospice.

Topics covered during the event will include advance care plans, end-of-life planning and funerals, among others.

There will also be stallholders available to offer further guidance and share their expertise in different areas.