
Let’s talk about women's health

Deniliquin Local Health Advisory Committee chair, Lourene Liebenberg. Photo by Zoe McMaugh

The Deniliquin Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC) has been successful in obtaining funding for a Women’s Health and Wellbeing Event, planned for September or October this year.

The event is being held to educate and raise awareness surrounding women’s health, as well as encourage open conversations about issues all women face, in a safe and comfortable environment.

Deniliquin Local Health Advisory Committee chair Lourene Liebenberg said the response from the community for the event has been extremely positive.

“We have had various businesses come forward with offers of contributions for raffles or door prizes,” she said.

“Providers in the health and wellbeing space have also reached out to participate in the event, offering services such as pilates, yoga and other exercises specific to improving women’s health.”

Information gathered from a Deni LHAC survey surrounding women’s health, in particular breast care, will be used to shape the event.

The results of that survey from earlier in the year also supported the group’s funding application.

“The funding was obtained for a breast care event, particularly so all women in our community will know how to do a self-breast examination,” said Ms Liebenberg.

“The event aims to remind women of the importance of regular health check ups, as well as offer mini health checks on the evening and speak to this really important part of looking after our health.

“Part of the project is to be able to develop and communicate clear pathways to help for those with a women’s health concern; regardless if they have access to a GP or not.”

Ms Liebenberg said the event will also provide an opportunity for women to connect socially and enjoy an activity they can share with friends.

“With a light meal planned and some health and wellbeing activities, women will have the opportunity to enjoy a bit of self-care time,” she said.

“We also hope to offer a choice of wellbeing sessions for the women to participate in at the event.”

While the event is still in its early stages of planning, Ms Liebenberg said it will be a free ticketed event and options for the venue are currently being explored, as is the exact date and time.

The event is funded through The Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) Health Connections Community Grants and will be the first in a series of wellbeing events for women in the community.

“Deniliquin Mental Health Awareness Group (MHAG) has been successful in obtaining more funding related to well-being after COVID, and will also be working with the Deniliquin Golf Club on a women’s well-being event,” said Ms Liebenberg.

“So we will start to see some great opportunities for a well-being expo in the future, as well as a focussed mental health well-being event for the women of Deniliquin.”