
Let's talk turtles these holiday

See shells: Learn all about turtles at a free talk on January 20 in Tatura.

All things turtle will be covered at a free talk in Tatura on January 20.

Turtle Talk, presented by Turtles Australia and RiverConnect, involves experts providing plenty of tips and advice, as well as bringing along broad-shelled, Eastern long-necked and Murray short-necked turtles to show.

Greater Shepparton City Council manager sustainability and environment Sharon Terry encouraged people to come along to the family-friendly event.

“Our Turtle Talk is always a popular school-holiday event, with Turtles Australia experts bringing along some beautiful turtles to see up close,” she said.

“Turtles are very important to our local ecosystem and are culturally significant to Yorta Yorta people as both a totemic protector and for some species as a food source.”

Turtles Australia focuses on the preservation of Australian freshwater turtles through educating the public and conducting research about the endangered broad-shelled turtle and the threatened Murray short-necked turtle, which are both found in the area’s waterways.

This is an opportunity to learn about how to identify turtles, their life history, threats and how to help protect them.

The event is part of the Activities in the Park program. The talk will be held on Friday, January 20 from 10am to 12.30pm at Cussen Park, Tatura.

Bookings can be made at