
Littleproud: Budget hurts regional communities

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Not happy: The federal Nationals Leader David Littleproud has said the 2023 federal budget will hit Australians hard at the checkout. Photo by Max Stainkamph

The Nationals leader David Littleproud has responded to the 2023 federal budget, saying it would hurt both farmers and families who are already struggling with the current cost of living crisis.

Mr Littleproud has called the decision by the Albanese Government to hit farmers with a new tax to help pay the biosecurity risk of international importers as illogical.

“It is unfathomable the Labor Government would ask farmers to pay for the biosecurity costs of importers from other countries,” Mr Littleproud said.

Mr Littleproud also said that the Albanese Government’s plan to increase the road user charge on truck drivers would end up costing Australian consumers at the checkout.

The federal budget will see the heavy vehicle road user charge being raised by 6 per cent to 32.4 cents.

The Nationals leader said that the increase would be passed on to consumers by companies which will not be able to absorb the cost.

Mr Littleproud also took aim at a plan to make local communities wait two years to access regional grant programs, saying they will be deprived of much-needed social infrastructure.

“Labor has pushed back critical funding needed for regional communities, while only targeting projects worth more than $1 million. It means smaller projects like sports ovals, playgrounds and libraries will be ineligible for funding in most communities,” he said.