
Lobby group keen for community input into station design

Consultation essential: Better Benalla Rail spokesperson Suzie Pearce is urging the community to offer feedback to Australian Rail Track Corporation on plans for Benalla Railway Station. Photo by Contributed

Better Benalla Rail is asking the community to offer feedback to the Australian Rail Track Corporation regarding design proposals for Benalla Railway Station.

BBR is the lobby group set up to advocate for the community with regards to alterations to Benalla Railway Station required as part of the Inland Rail Project.

BBR spokesperson Suzie Pearce said it’s Save our Station campaign has had two major wins since its inception.

“Against all the odds Benalla won the first battle — by getting ARTC to change its mind and not build a — vehicle overpass,” Ms Pearce said.

“This would have made worse Benalla's large, unsafe and dysfunctional station precinct.

“There has also been a second victory.

“ARTC has included access to the proposed new station platform from both sides of the precinct in their revised concept plans.

“The new second platform is a requirement of the Victorian Department of Transport.”

The community is now asked to comment on these revised concept plans, which are the first of a four-stage design process.

“What was at first considered a threat to our station has now become an exciting opportunity,” Ms Pearce said.

“With good design Benalla can look forward to a station precinct that is fit for purpose and accommodates the needs of rail passengers of all ages, and abilities, freight trains and the wider community for generations to come.

“The important thing now is to get the design right.”

ARTC is currently seeking community feedback on ways to access the station’s platforms.

These are via an underpass, or an overpass.

It’s plans can be seen at or by visiting the ARTC shop at 53 Carrier St, Benalla on a Wednesday between 10pm and 2pm.

Ms Pearce said when considering the plans the community should consider whether they offer safety on and off both platforms.

“Are the options for platform access well sited or would another location be better?” she said.

“Is the area for cars, taxis and coaches adequate and easily approached?

“Where are the passenger 'drop off' areas?

“Does the overall design compliment our historic station, incorporate the few remaining historically significant features, enhance the surrounding area, and require sustainable or minimal landscaping?

“If these are important to you (let ARTC know).

“To get it right all these matters must be considered rather than finding in hindsight that a mistake has been made as has happened in the past.”

Ms Pearce said BBR was also keen to hear what the community wants. To provide feedback to BBR go to

“There are many battles still to be won before Benalla can feel confident that our remodelled railway precinct will work well for everyone and be a major asset that everyone is proud of,” Ms Pearce said.

“BBR will seek help from the new Federal Minister for Transport Catherine King and numerous Victorian MPs including Member for Euroa Steph Ryan, and Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes.”