
Local author returns to Finley

Author Susan Mackie Tyrrell with Marian Tyrrell and librarian Ros Rowe.

Many local reading enthusiasts and budding authors took advantage of the opportunity to listen to and ask questions of well-known author, ex-Finleyite, Susan Mackie Tyrrell at the Finley Library last Wednesday afternoon.

Susan, author of the best-selling Barrington Series books, came to Finley in 1972 as a young girl with her parents Marian and Gordon Tyrrell. She attended Finley Primary School and Finley High School before taking a position as a cadet journalist with the Southern Riverina News.

She commented on how helpful the late Gwen McDonald was, especially with her “newfangled electric typewriter”, as it was in those days.

She had wanted to be an author from the age of eight years, however her careers’ teacher at the High School advised her to take up journalism as being an author “was not a real job”.

When Susan spoke to her mother recently and mentioned she would be travelling to Adelaide for a Romance Writers of Australia conference, Marian suggested she come to Finley on the way through, pick her up to go with her and do a presentation at the library while she was here.

She wrote her first book ‘Charlie’s Will’ in 2019 which was published in 2020. When getting feedback from her family prior to publishing, Dad reportedly replied, “Well she at least got the bit about the horses right”. The family has a farming background.

Operating under the theme ‘Small Towns, Big Stories’, Susan considers herself to be a strong woman and likes to be in control at all stages of her writing. As a result of other career moves, she designs all her own book covers and publicity posters from her home in Warwick, Queensland.

Susan’s talk at the Finley Library was well received with some very interesting questions. She likes to encourage other writers and is always happy to be contacted for advice.

The afternoon came to a conclusion with a lovely afternoon tea catered for by the Finley CWA members.


Work has started on the mural on the western wall of the Finley School of Arts.

Damien Mitchell got underway on Sunday, and his mural will be completed in time for 120th anniversary celebrations this weekend.

He is happy to have people come to watch him working and ask questions.

For more information about the celebrations, turn to the feature on pages 10 and 11 of today’s edition.


Congratulations to Tracy Shalders on winning the load of firewood raffled by the Show Society last Friday. The organisers would like to thank the community for its generous support.

With the show only 11 days away it is time to get exhibits organised and entered. Entries can be placed online to save a trip to the Show Office which will be open from 10am Tuesday, August 27.

Please pay attention to closing dates and times as late entries will not be accepted.


Murray Hut CWA (Finley/Tocumwal) is once again hosting the popular Melbourne Cup Day Luncheon, an event that brings together guests from near and far. This year’s event will take place on Tuesday, November 5 at Finley Golf Club from 11am.

There will be a delicious buffet lunch, competitions and raffles and an auction featuring goods and services from generous suppliers, both local and beyond, who align with CWA values.

Guests are encouraged to dress in their finest attire and the organisers will be hosting the Lady of the Day, Milliner’s Award and Best Shoes parades with generous prizes awarded to the winners.

Due to high demand, guest numbers will be limited to 80 so it is recommended bookings be made as soon as possible. Tables of eight will be set up and upon purchasing a ticket, positions will be assigned. Otherwise, table reservations can be made by contacting Sue on 0409 314 174.

Tickets are $45 per person plus booking fee and can be made online at


Finley St. Joseph’s School Year 3-6 students Will Plattfuss, Callum Price, Tyson Dougherty, Callum Tanner, Aira Alam, Di Crawford (2nd Hand Shop), Joe Healy, Chane Luderitz, Bennett Price, Brian Anderson from the 2nd Hand Shop, Leo Ouma, Ivy Murray and Grace Mueller.

On Friday, August 16, a group of Year 3-6 students from Finley St. Joseph’s School and principal Veronica Braybon visited the Finley 2nd Hand Shop which is run by the Finley Community Help Group. The plan was to offer their thanks for the continued support they receive each year from this group.

"Each year we gratefully receive a considerable donation from the Community Group. They only request that we utilise this to support our students and families to engage in excursion experiences," Veronica said.

In 2024, the money reduced the cost to families sending their children to the Year 3-6 Bendigo/Ballarat camp.

"We are also going to be putting some towards the cost of the upcoming K/1/2 trip to Albury to see the Fruit Fly Circus, and visit the Botanical Gardens and Wonga Wetlands," Veronica said.

The school, like everyone, has felt the increasing cost of living and the travel alone to excursion locations can make the cost to students skyrocket. The school community is extremely grateful that they can keep having these amazing educational experiences for their students.

During the visit last Friday, Tysen Dougherty spoke on behalf of the school when he said: "We are so thankful that you chose to give the school money that directly helps us have these wonderful memories forever."


Peter Maher was the winner of last Saturday’s Finley Lions Club wood raffle. As the weather continues to warm up with the coming of spring, don’t miss the opportunity to win a trailer load of wood before the raffle comes to a close with the drawing of the winner of the home-made fire pit.


Items for From Finley may be submitted by phoning 0428 293 922, emailing or left at the Southern Riverina News office.

Please include a contact name and phone number.