
Local coronation connection

Federal Member for Farrer Sussan Ley, Jerilderie RSL Sub-branch president Laurie Blackmore, NSW Member for Murray Helen Dalton and Murrumbidgee Council Mayor Ruth McRae at Jerilderie's Anzac Day service.

Jerilderie can lay claim to having one of its own at the coronation of King Charles III in London in the coming days.

Simon Abney-Hastings - the 48 year-old son of the late Michael and Noelene Hastings - will apparently be presenting King Charles with the Great Golden Spurs during the official ceremony.

Simon is the 15th Earl of Loudoun.

Jerilderie people may remember when Tony Robinson - now Sir Tony of TV’s BlackAdder fame - came here some years ago to investigate and produce a story on Michael, the 14th Earl, and his claim to the highest place among British royalty.

Simon’s three surviving siblings - Amanda, Rebecca, and Marcus - will no doubt be watching the proceedings in the old country in the lead up to the celebrations on Saturday.


A beautiful, crisp autumn morning encouraged a record turnout for the Jerilderie Anzac Day Dawn Service in Memorial Park at 6am.

Courtesy of Murrumbidgee Council, two large gum trees beside the lake have been recently illuminated.

For this special occasion, the RSL Sub-branch chose red lighting for one tree (representing the blood shed for our country) and white light for the other tree (for the tears that have fallen). These created a beautiful backdrop to the solemn occasion.

A catafalque party from Kapooka Army Base, under the command of Sgt Robert Webb, provided dignity to the entire proceedings.

Some personal wreaths were laid before an opening welcome and address by Mayor Ruth McRae.

Laurie Blackmore, who has been president of the local RSL sub-branch for 26 years, led proceedings and gave a history of the 100 years of the Jerilderie Cenotaph.

Laurie shared two stories of ex-service men, one an Australian and the other a New Zealander, with connections to the town.

He then invited Chloe Rorato to recite a poem by Damian ‘Dib’ Morgan, called Sir, which brought tears to the eyes.

The sun shone on the later ceremony at the cenotaph, which Federal Member for Farrer Sussan Ley and NSW Member for Murray Helen Dalton attended.

Both MPs gave stirring addresses, and encouraged the younger people amongst the onlookers to carry the torch of remembrance into the future.

Many wreaths were laid at this ceremony.

For the first time, six Vietnam veterans from Jerilderie were together for the Anzac Day ceremony, among many other ex-servicemen and women. Some had come from long distances to be part of this special celebration.

Both primary schools and the Finley High School were well represented in the march.

Two Finley High School students from Jerilderie - Mia Neessen and Travis Lawton - were flag bearers at the dawn service and the 10am march, and Dan Eldridge and Evan Lawton presented the honour rolls from the World Wars at both ceremonies.

A catafalque part from Kapooka added dignity to the ceremony.


A light breakfast in the Civic Hall after the dawn service was well attended, as was the morning tea after the march, provided by Red Cross members.

Lunch was enjoyed by ex-service personnel and their families, and other special guests at the Jerilderie Sports Club.

The Jerilderie Red Cross president has extended her grateful thanks to members and friends for their help and support in providing the delicious morning tea on Anzac Day.

For the people who attended the 10am service, it was a great way to catch up with old friends and acquaintances whilst enjoying a cuppa.


Winners of the 2023 Anzac School Essay competition were Jacinta Eldridge (Public School) and William Maynard (St Joseph’s School).

The topic this year was ‘What is a Cenotaph?’.

The RSL publication on the History of the Cenotaph and Jerilderie’s involvement in World War I is available for purchase at the council offices for $25.

Payment must be made by cash. Your purchase will help offset printing costs.


Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of an evening of live classical music at the Jerilderie Civic Hall on Friday, May 12, at 7pm.

The seven piece Inventi Ensemble will be playing some much loved classical pieces, and some new compositions. Bookings are with


Murrumbidgee Council’s Seniors Lunch will be held on Friday, May 19 at the Jerilderie Sports Club.

The theme is ‘Footy Fever’, and you are invited go dressed in your favourite footy attire.

The day starts at 10.30am with morning tea, followed by games and prizes, prior to a Chinese smorgasbord lunch.

Collect your free tickets at council office or phone 5886 1200 to make reservations. Bookings close Friday, May 12.


Congratulations to the seven students from Murrumbidgee Council who recently received an education scholarship of $1000.

The worthy recipients were Abby A’Vard, Ally Barlow, Jessica Bellato, Sally Foster, Nathan Hodgson, Julie Schubert and Alisha Tomkinson.


There was no Hospital Auxiliary meeting in April.

The next meeting will be at 2pm on Thursday, May 25.

A raffle stall is to be held the next day outside IGA.


If you’re artistic, you might like to try your hand at producing something for the Waste to Art Competition and Exhibition within the Murrumbidgee Council area.

Entries close on Friday, June 16, so you still have time to get your creative juices flowing and make something out of rubbish and recyclables to be in the running for a prize.

Categories are preschool/primary, secondary/community, and open (for professional artists).

For more information, call council on 1300 676 243 or visit council’s website.


Jerilderie CWA held a very successful street stall last Friday.

Lucy Gurcuillo won the fruit cake and plate, and Robyn Ford claimed the cyclamen.

A big thanks to the general public for their support. There will be some happy mothers out there on Mother’s Day.


The next CWA handicraft day is Thursday, May 11, at 10am.

The project is embroidery on aida cloth. Bibs have been purchased to use.

The next meeting will be Thursday, May 18 at 1.30pm, with hosts Sadie Herrick and Wendy Hurd.