
Local firefighters’ efforts recognised

Efforts recognised: CFA members selflessly give up their time to protect their communities. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

Two hundred volunteer firefighters and CFA staff members from Mitchell and Murrindindi shires received National Emergency Medals in ceremonies held on June 3 and 4.

The medal formally recognises significant or sustained service to others in a nationally significant Australian emergency.

The medals were awarded to CFA members for their efforts during the 2019-2020 bushfires, which devastated much of East Gippsland and parts of north-east Victoria.

Limestone Fire Brigade member Neil Beer was master of ceremonies for Sunday’s ceremony, as well as being a medal recipient himself, and said it was an honour to be formally recognised.

“Volunteer fireys don’t do the job for praise or awards — we do it to help out fellow Australians in need,” Mr Beer said.

“It’s a fair commitment of time for a lot of people, and it often sees you head away for up to seven days, and many need to take annual leave to go interstate with strike teams.

“It truly is recognition of service given.”

Scott James, Michel Becks and Peter Wales, the past, present and future captains of the Whiteheads Creek - Tarcombe Fire Brigade, were also at the event.

The three men received medals for their service in Toolong, Victoria where they defended properties against spot fires.

Mr Wales said that from where he was stationed that day, he was able to notice the efforts of his colleagues, and that the recognition was well deserved.

“We had a strike team from District 12 and they put themselves between the fire and the houses time and time again,” Mr Wales said.

“We saved a lot of houses that afternoon.

“For an old fella like me it doesn’t matter much but for the younger ones … it’s important for them and their families because it shows the time they have given up is appreciated.”