
Lonely goat needs a friend

A local woman has expressed concern for the lonely goat which lives on one of the islands in the middle of Lake Jerilderie.

Since the demise of two other goats for various reasons, this one has been on her own, apart from the odd bird or two nesting or resting on the island and ski boats whizzing past in the summer.

As goats are herd animals, it has been suggested that she would probably appreciate a friend to keep her company. Any thoughts?

Our goat was recently seen being harassed by a nesting plover, who was getting a bit ‘shirty’ with said goat for being in its space.


If anyone would like their business to appear on the 2025 Lions community calendar, or if there are any changes required to existing ads, please contact Richard on 0427 856 252.


Save the date for the Jerilderie Public School’s production of The Jungle Book. Under the direction of Ben Stonnill, it will be presented on Wednesday, September 11, with a matinée and evening performances.

Feelers are out for parents and friends to help with back-drop setting up, make-up, ironing of costumes, and general help for the performances. Contact the school office if you can help in any way.


JPS will be celebrating Book Week on Friday, September 13, when staff and students are invited to dress up as their favourite book characters.


St Joseph’s Catholic School will have a change in office administration from the end of Term 3, as Tianni takes leave preparing for a special event. The position of administrative assistant will be shared between Katrina Muto and Elise Watson.


Murrumbidgee Council is organising a Beginner Skate Workshop and Roller Disco, to take place during the school holidays. The Jerilderie date will be October 1, from 3pm.

Registration is essential and can be either scanned from the brochures around town, or by contacting the council office.