
Lovell calls for minister to overturn cemetery price increase

Wendy Lovell has written to Victorian Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas about the price increases at Shepparton Public Cemetery. Photo by Megan Fisher

State Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell has written to Victorian Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas about the price increases at Shepparton Public Cemetery.

This follows an article published on The News’ website on Wednesday, July 17.

The article highlighted the new prices that were gazetted from July 1 and the difference between the old and new prices.

The two most significant increases were child and Muslim burials.

Since the article was published, the Shepparton Public Cemetery Trust has spoken out about the fee increases.

In her letter to the minister, Ms Lovell said that the “increases of this magnitude are unconscionable”.

“Especially when you consider the socio-economic status of many residents in the Shepparton community,” she said.

“I have been informed that the fee structure proposed was set by the department.

“It concerns me that your department has imposed such exorbitant increases in the fees to be charged by the Shepparton Public Cemetery Trust and left the volunteers to face the anger of the community.

“An increase in fees of this magnitude is effectively the government imposing death taxes on grieving families.

“I ask that you intervene and ensure any price increases charged by the Shepparton Public Cemetery Trust are aligned with CPI (the Consumer Price Index), as the increases currently proposed are excessive and unconscionable.”